Hello World!\n

I am Luciano,

Software Engineer
& Entrepreneur

Goldman Sachs
2022, New York, NY

Engineering Associate within Platforms Solutions (Apple Card)

2021, Jersey City, NJ

Engineering Analyst within the Asset Management Division

2020, New York, NY (Remote)

Summer Engineering Analyst within the Consumer and Investment Management Division

Handal Software Solutions
2023, New York, NY


Seis Puntos
2020, La Paz, Bolivia

Lead Developer

Purdue University
2019, West Lafayette, IN

Teaching Assistant

Purdue University
2017 – 2021, West Lafayette, IN

BS: Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics
GPA: 3.76

Semester At Sea

Multi-country study abroad program


C, C++, Java, Python, Swift and JavaScript programming languages
SQL and NoSQL database management language
HTML markup language and CSS style sheet language
x86 assembly language
User experience, user interphase and graphic design

Experience working with Adobe XD, Illustrator and Photoshop


Spanish native speaker

German Proficient. Attended to a german high school and achieved B2 level on the Sprachdiplom II


Handal Software Solutions

Handal Software Solutions is a start-up that aims to create software-based solutions to improve every day tasks. Check It Out

Handal Software Solutions

Handal Software Solutions is a start-up that aims to create software-based solutions to improve every day tasks. Check It Out


The brulee app is a cooking assistant for developing recipes and guiding through their execution. Check It Out


The brulee app is a cooking assistant for developing recipes and guiding through their execution. Check It Out


The hdden app allows you to add invisible buttons to your home screen, enabling quick and discreet access to apps, shortcuts, and websites. Check It Out


The hdden app allows you to add invisible buttons to your home screen, enabling quick and discreet access to apps, shortcuts, and websites. Check It Out

AR Sandbox

Augmented Reality (AR) Sandbox crafted for Camp Riley. Check It Out

AR Sandbox

Augmented Reality (AR) Sandbox crafted for Camp Riley. Check It Out

Tinder Bot

Python-based selenium bot that logs in into an account and 'likes' all profiles on an specified location. Go To Repository

Tinder Bot

Tinder bot that logs in into an account and 'likes' all profiles on an specified location. Go To Repository


Simple GitHub Pages portfolio Go To Repository


Minimalistic open-source portfolio Go To Repository

Contact me


Thank you!

I will reach out as soon as possible.